Thanks to those of you who have left your comments on the "Good Listening in Class" post from last week. As promised, here are your comments (names deleted). Look for a follow-up post with my thoughts as well as those of Mrs. C.
1. I rate our class a 6 because we have a bad time during transition and we do that a lot.
I rate myself an 8 because I listen most of the time, but I have to admit that I can stare off into space.
2. I would rate the class a 4.5 for good listening and paying attention!
I would rate myself a 8 for good listening and attention!
3. I think that the class behavior would be about a 5.
Again I think I am not doing so well either, So I rate myself a 4.
4. I rate the class 4.
Me a 4.
5. I rate the class a 6 and myself a 5.
6. My rating of our class would be a 4.5. I is loud alot of the time and it is hard to consatrste.
My rating of my self would be 7.5. I try to listen all of the time but I get distracted and some times I half to talk.
7. I rate the class a 3 because the class talks to much and we hardly ever lisen and Mr.C. has to repeat to much.
I rate me as a 3.5 because i talk to much to my friends but i still do my homework and i always get distrected.
8. There is to much talking around the classroom and nobodys not talking.I rate are classroom a 5 on talk,but it goes down to a three at the end of the day.
9. I would rate our class a 5.
I would rate myself a 6.
10. My rating for the class was 4.5 .
My rating for me was 5.5 or 6.
11. I rate myself a 8 because usually I'm listening, but sometimes I get a little off track. When I do listen, I listen with my eyes and ears.
I rate the class about a 4 because of a lot of interrupting, blurting out and chatting by a few people who are being disrespectful.
12. I'd rate the class a 4 on listening.
I'd rate myself a 5.
13. I think I would give our class a 4 1/2 .
I think I would rate myself a 6 1/2 (I don't know it's hard to rate myself!)
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