Book review by Grace
I read Esperanza Rising and it was a fabulous book. The main characters are Esperanza, Mama, Isabel, Miguel and Abulea. The story takes place in Mexico at a grape vineyard and California at a camp out. The story is about how Esperanza and her family have a perfect life. They live in a beautiful house with lovely clothes, a maid and employees. Then Esperanza’s dad goes on a trip and never comes back. Soon her life gets flipped upside down. The family needs to move to their employee’s cousin’s house in California. The story has a twist because usually when Esperanza and her family go on trains they get nothing but royalty but when they go on the train they get on a full and filthy train car. When the family gets there she needs to change her life completely.
I like this book because Esperanza goes from riches to rags. My favorite part was when Esperanza tells about her royalty in the beginning of the book, when Miguel, family employee, came to camp with Abuela, Esperanza’s grandma. Another favorite part was the last sentence Esperanza said “never be afraid to start over”. I would recommend this book to everyone! I give the book nine stars out of ten stars. Esperanza Rising shows all the ICCCAR values an example is she was responsible when Esperanza took care of the house and did her part. I hope you read this book because it paints a picture in your head every time and is a perfect read!
I read Esperanza Rising and it was a fabulous book. The main characters are Esperanza, Mama, Isabel, Miguel and Abulea. The story takes place in Mexico at a grape vineyard and California at a camp out. The story is about how Esperanza and her family have a perfect life. They live in a beautiful house with lovely clothes, a maid and employees. Then Esperanza’s dad goes on a trip and never comes back. Soon her life gets flipped upside down. The family needs to move to their employee’s cousin’s house in California. The story has a twist because usually when Esperanza and her family go on trains they get nothing but royalty but when they go on the train they get on a full and filthy train car. When the family gets there she needs to change her life completely.
I like this book because Esperanza goes from riches to rags. My favorite part was when Esperanza tells about her royalty in the beginning of the book, when Miguel, family employee, came to camp with Abuela, Esperanza’s grandma. Another favorite part was the last sentence Esperanza said “never be afraid to start over”. I would recommend this book to everyone! I give the book nine stars out of ten stars. Esperanza Rising shows all the ICCCAR values an example is she was responsible when Esperanza took care of the house and did her part. I hope you read this book because it paints a picture in your head every time and is a perfect read!
This is a good book but it is comletely different from the movie --- read the abook first!
Nice job on describing the setting and the characters. I loved the book so much! My favorite part was the ending of the book when she said she was never going to be afraid of starting over and when they had to drive in a cart full of mangos!:)
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