Each year, the American Library Association recognizes a multitude of books and authors for their quality and impact. Ranging from awards for young children’s books such as the Caldecott and Newbery Medals, to the Belpré award for books celebrating Latino culture, to the Sibert Medal for distinguished informational books, the ALA recognizes a wide range of outstanding material for children, young adults, and adults.
Among other awards, the 2008 Newbery and Caldecott Award winners will be announced today. Here is a link to a site with some opinions on who WILL win and who SHOULD win.
I really want everyone in our class to visit the link above and read all the predictions Elizabeth Bird makes AND the comments that people left in response to her post. That is the type of conversation I'm hoping our blog can lead to - not only about books, but about whatever's on your mind!
Below are two other sites which are great references for finding fantastic books to read. Check them out!
Notable Children's Books (from The Association for Library Service to Children)
100 Best Books for Children (from the National Education Association)
Happy reading!
(source: http://readwritethink.org/calendar/calendar_day.asp?id=625)
(Images Courtesy of ALA)
Hugo Cabret won the Caldecott Award! I think that's the first time a chapter book has won this award. The pictures in this book do really help tell the story together with the text. I wouldn't be surprised if more "graphic novels" started getting consideration for the Caldecott in the future.
Mr. C.
that's totally awsome i had no idea great job that rocks
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