A favorite book recommendation would be, The Wedding Planner's Daughter By: Coleen Murtagh Paratore.
It is about a girl named Willa, who hates her name. Her Mom is a wedding planner. If anyone comes up to Willa they always ask: "What is it like to be a Wedding Planner's Daughter?" One day Willa is tying the 3rd secret ingredient to the wedding dress of Soap Opera couples, when she has an idea... I would rate this book a 8.5. Good Luck reading the book!
I really want to read that book now! Good Job!
Nice review! Really makes one want to read this book.
Dear Katie,
We really enjoyed your book review. It sounds like a great story and you really inspired our curiosity.
We'll have to check it out at Barnes and Noble.
Keep up the good work and keep us posted on some other book adventures.
Love - Grandpa Dave & Grandma Fran
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