Speaking of Books becoming movies, there are going to be three more Chronicles of Narnia movies! Prince Caspian, which comes out in May of 2008; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which comes out in May of 2010; and The Silver Chair, which has not been oficially filmed yet.
Thanks for the post, Graham! I'll be very interested to see how those movies turned out. Has anyone read these books? What did you think of the first movie adaptation?
Yea! I have not read that book but I want to! That movie will be really cool!
The Prince Caspian movie looks wicked I can't wait to see it I hope the 2 movies get a good review and that is very cool how you found when the movies come out!!!!
i have seen the movie and read the books i like both of them alot!
Graham it's cool how u turn books into movies. I can't wait to see Narnia.
Graham, I think Narnia is kind of weird but my sister and cousin loves it.my cousin thinks Peter is cute. Who is your fav character? mine is the Phoenix!
Jake, my favorite characters are the centaurs, and the rhino's.
Mr.C, I am just starting the series and I really got hooked onto the first movie.
Graham, are the movies good? I want to see the first one. When you see the second one tell me which one you think is better.
Evan,I think the first movie is good because in the begining and end there are war scene.The author C.S. Lewis is very religous, so Aslan is Supposedly Jesus and is reserected on the stone table.
I've read and wathed the first book. But I can't wait to watch the rest of the movies and read the books!
Check out my new post on Hugo Cabret. I included a link to an article about plans to turn that into a movie. Famous director Martin Scorsese may be chosen to direct it, which means it should be great!
Mr. C.
Mr.C, Do you think when it comes out, maybe our class could watch it?
Graham you did a nice job
that is so cool! I have read all the narnia books! I look forward to watching the movies.
I'm anxious to see this movie, as well - with you! The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was excellent and I expect this movie to be the same. I think they are excellent stories for children to read . . . and movies to see. Much better than most things written today.
Dad (Robert)
This was the movie.
From Saheel
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